I'm under the impression this program does a lot of caching, it's much faster than the Management-Studio itself. Same result, no changes even after one hour.Īnother 3rd-Party program which we are using seems to connect via other mechanisms to the SQL-Server (Is there a way to list current connections and their types in the Management-Studio, please let me know so I'm able to provide this information too) But I turned the Tomcat-8 off to find out whether some unclosed connections are open. Open the Database but expanding the directories for "Tables" or "Views" failed after 10 Seconds with the Error 1222. As this happened first I went to the Server-Room and opened the Database with the Management Studio to see if there were any issues. There is a Tomcat-8 running which sometimes can't access these tables at all or only after a long delay. We're running a SQL-Server 2012 and for a while now my accessing records from bigger tables became tricky. Idx.object_id = tbl.object_id and (idx.index_id. 'SQLException: Lock request time out period exceeded' errors occur when publishing artifacts to Rule Team Server (RTS) or saving modifications through its console when the database is Microsoft SQL Server. ISNULL((SELECT distinct 1 from sys.all_columnsĬAST(ISNULL((select top 1 1 from sys.indexes ind where ind.object_id = tbl.object_id and ind.type > 1 and ind.is_hypothetical = 0 ), 0) AS bit) AS ,ĬAST(CASE idx.index_id WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS ,ĬAST(case idx.index_id when 1 then case when (idx.is_primary_key + 2*idx.is_unique_constraint = 1) then 1 else 0 end else 0 end AS bit) AS ,ĬAST(ISNULL((select top 1 1 from sys.indexes ind where ind.object_id = tbl.object_id and ind.type = 3 and ind.is_hypothetical = 0 ), 0) AS bit) AS ,ĬAST(ISNULL((select top 1 1 from sys.all_columns as clmns join sys.types as usrt on er_type_id = er_type_id where clmns.object_id = tbl.object_id and usrt.name = N''xml''), 0) AS bit) AS ,ĬAST(ISNULL((select top 1 1 from sys.all_columns as clmns join sys.types as usrt on er_type_id = er_type_id where clmns.object_id = tbl.object_id and usrt.name in (N''geometry'', N''geography'')), 0) AS bit) AS ,ĬAST(ISNULL((select top 1 1 from sys.indexes ind where ind.object_id = tbl.object_id and ind.type = 6 and ind.is_hypothetical = 0 ), 0) AS bit) AS SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) AS + quotename(CAST(ĪS sysname),'''''''') + '']'' + + quotename(db_name(),'''''''') + '']'' + + quotename(tbl.name,'''''''') + '' and + quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id),'''''''') + '']'' AS ,ĬAST(tbl.is_memory_optimized AS bit) AS ,ĬAST(CASE idx.type WHEN 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS ,ĬAST(tbl.is_remote_data_archive_enabled AS bit) AS ,ĬAST(CASE WHEN ''PS''=dsidx.type THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS , What could be causing it? SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 10000 However, when the user with db_datareader access runs it it takes over 20 seconds to execute.
Ms sql lock request time out period exceeded code#
If I run this code as an administrator, it completes in less than a second. Like a c lock, but distributed so its a lock that can be used by all active processes.

We use distributed locks to synchronize access to resources.

I ran the profiler while SSMS was expanding the tables which returned the code below. Just some info: when you see Lock request time out period exceeded this isnt an SQL connection timeout or load balancing problem, or a SQL problem. If a user with sysadmin does the same thing, the operation works as expected. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1222) error. If a user with public and db_datareader access attempts to expand the tables in SSMS 17.2 they receive a Lock request time out period exceeded.